September 06, 2007


Met this man at a Starbucks coffee shop near my house. Seems intelligent and educated, and claims to live nearby. Said he was a filmmaker, screenwriter, inventor, music engineer, I know girls I'm stupid for listening to this stuff. Gave him my work phone number at a local insurance company and he called the next morning. Second mistake.

I agreed to meet him at a local chinese restaurant where it became clear he has a screw loose. Restaurant owner didn't want him eating there and said he was a "problem". He promised to behave, and was fine for most of the dinner. He then played the old "forgot my wallet" gag which caused me to pay for dinner. While waiting for the check he left for the bathroom, and the restaurant owner showed me a flyer with his picture and his history as an internet stalker and danger to the community. Found out many things later - he's a Failed college student who has never been employed in his life. Lives with his elderly father and exists only on handouts from his dad.

Found out later there is lots of information about this very sick man on the internet and I'm happy to share my experiences with this very bad man.


The attached is a photo of the run-down house occupied by serial netstalker and sociopath Robert Morein. Neighborhood is upscale suburban Philadelphia and adjoining houses are much more well-kept, clean, and modern. Garages are all filled with tons and tons of junk from the various "careers" that Robert Morein has started, and abandoned. Other pictures available show these piles of junk including film cameras and lighting equipment, high-pressure pumps for his uncompleted invention and failed patent, and other worthless detritus.

September 05, 2007


Robert Morein's Father Speaks

Readers here will note that after police intervention necessary during a recent trip, I've managed to have the drug regimen adjusted and severely increased for my tragically sick son Robert Morein. He has become docile as a lamb as a result. Police have also ordered his telephone disconnected due to his hundreds of 911 calls to them as well as harassing calls to others around the world.

Local police have suggested that their WARNING FLYER about my sick son Robert Morein be circulated to the areas where he's been stalking people. This is the same flyer they circulated around our Philadelphia neighbourhood, and was available to law enforcement during the trip to other jurisdictions.

Please feel free to send to any other victims of Robert Morein.

(215) 646-3443